What Type of Nurse Can I Be?: Exploring Nursing Careers from A to Z is an inspiring and easy-to-read alphabet picture book that allows the next generation to explore various nursing careers. This book provides colorful illustrations of diverse individuals representing various nursing careers, helping children imagine themselves as one of the many different types of nurses, and motivates them to become a part of America's Most Trusted Profession!
By the end of this book, children will be exposed to 26 different nursing careers, where nurses can work, the skills needed to work in that field, and cool facts about being a nurse.
Some of the nursing professionals presented in the book are:
♥ Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)
♥ Certified Nurse Midwive
♥ Emergency Room (ER) Nurse
♥ Public Health Nurse
♥ Wound Care Nurse
At the end of What Type of Nurse Can I Be?: Exploring Nursing Careers from A to Z there's a Discussion Question page that fosters self-reflection, career exploration, and conversation. From advanced practice registered nurses to zoonotic nurses, your child will discover some of the real-life superheroes that the backbone of the healthcare industry!